Return & Exchange Policy

What is the return & exchange policy?

Our policy lasts 15 days from the arrival date. If 15 days have gone by since you received the item, unfortunately, we can’t offer you an exchange or return.

We accept your exchange request on products that were shipped out by us and follow the criteria below.

  • Items are faulty – damaged/broken, or soiled upon arrival. (1)
  • The print quality is blurry. (2)
  • We sent the wrong item – size, style, color. (3)
  • You want to exchange for a different size. (4)

Please make sure the item(s) has their original tag and shipping label. Then, please email us at support@workbestie with the necessary information as follows:

  1. Order ID / Invoice ID (All cases)
  2. For (1), (2), and (3), a photo of the item(s) you received shows their actual problems. For (4), please tell us your desired size.

Product in the category (1), (2), and (3)

Once we receive your information and it is sufficient, we will reship a new one within 7-14 business days. The shipping time will be the same as your first product. Please be noted that if the product is faulty due to an error on our end (namely (1), (2), and (3)), the replacement is free of charge and you do not have to return the first package to us. The shipping cost for the new product is paid for by

Product in the category (4)

When we have approved and sent you the address of our Exchange and Return Center, you must return the product(s) and pay 50% of the total product value as the exchange fee. The return shipping cost is paid by the Buyer. Workbestie is not responsible for any lost or missing package and in that case, we will not ship the new product to you. Please ensure that all the information you have provided is correct before submitting your order to prevent losses in mail or other mishaps from happening.

When your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to confirm that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your exchange. It takes us 1 – 3 days to check the return from its arrival.

If you are approved and you have paid for the exchange fee, we will send you a replacement with your desired size within 7-14 business days. The shipping time will be the same as your first product. The shipping cost for the new product is paid for by

If you have further inquiries, please contact us via: support@workbestie

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