Once your order has shipped you will receive an email from us with a tracking number and link to track your order. You can also enter your tracking number in the box below to get the latest status on your shipment.

Please provide your tracking number (not order number):





If you just received a shipment notification, please allow 1 to 3 working days for the tracking information to update.
When will I get my order?
We proudly offer worldwide shipping via ePacket! Please note your order will be processed for stocking, packing and shipping and this normally takes 5-10 business days.
Once your order has shipped estimated delivery time is between  2-4 weeks from shipping date (depending on how strict the Customs in your State is). Please consider any holidays that might impact delivery times.
Please note: Your order may split into multiple shipments. If this occurs, you will be notified and receive a tracking number for each separate shipment.
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